Sunday 2 February 2014

My Assignment Folder


So my first year has come and gone and so has a very large amount of assignments. One of my tutors gave me some very sound advice during the first semester; hold onto every single assignment you do, no matter how badly you did, no matter how insignificant the task seemed, no matter what KEEP YOUR ASSIGNMENTS!

And to date I have followed her advice, I have keep all my assignments. But shoving them into one big folder was not enough to me, I had to further organise and this was how my assignment folder was born.

Each assignment is placed in a plastic pocket. It the first plastic pocket, I keep spare cover sheets as well as the ones that I have already filled out and a sheet of coloured dots.

The front page has a large table with columns so with a quick glance, I can tell what the assignment was, when I completed it, who my tutor was and what my final grade was. Following my colour system, each title is  highlighted in the corresponding colour and each cover page has a coloured dot.

This year, rather then sort according to due date, I would like to sort according to unit. This would mean that each assignment is sorted by unit than due date and making it easier to find thing on the same topic.I also need to start writing in my assignments in the book earlier so that filing them doesn't become a hassle later in the semester.
Overall, this system works really well for me and I am looking forward to the day when I exclaim., 'THANK GOD I KEPT THIS ASSIGNMENT!' Until such time, I hope that some of you can see some method to my organised madness and drop me a line if you decide this folder could work for you.

Miss Tracy xx


  1. Somehow I feel like your organisation is helping with your high marks!
    In my first year I had a friend who didn't keep her assignments and later in the year when it came to her exam enterance, she couldn't prove that they had entered the wrong marks:/... in the end the lecturer did help her out and she wrote the exam...

    1. I'm not going to lie Mercy, I think you're right! Being organised has definitely helped me to keep up my GPA. Keeping assignments in a hard copy is great if your lose work or want to look for references you used in the past. I also think they will come in handy when you start creating a portfolio towards the end of your degree. Having the page which summarises my marks help me to see what I'm doing well in and the areas need work. For example, I may write some HDessays but my presentations may be only averaging a C; this can tell me where to spend my time when Im mapping out assignments. Miss Tracy xx

  2. I am a data Analyst, I create comparison charts in excel template.Read more here : .
