Sunday 22 September 2013

My Colour Coding System

Guess who's back? Back again.

I was reading back over some of my posts regarding my notes and university and realised I haven't explained my colour coding system, which is basically the cornerstone of my sanity.

This system is the best. I would be completely lost without it. It makes study, filing and locating information and paperwork so much easier and faster.

So this is how it works.

I have four units a semester. Each has a unit code. For example, this semester I have:

  1. EDFD 136
  1. EDFD 227
  2. EDAR 366
  3. EDLA 167

My system assigns one of four colours (pink, yellow, green or blue) for each unit, so they would look like this:

  1. EDFD 136
  2. EDFD 227
  3. EDAR 366
  1. EDLA 167

So I have unit outlines, assignments, notes and handout from each unit, which all get filed under the relevant coloured tab in my semester folder. I take my lecture and tutorial notes on pastel coloured notebooks which are same colour as the unit. My assignment cover sheets have a corresponding coloured dot in the corner. I use only the unit colour when highlighting anything. Even my reminder sticky notes are in the unit's colour!

In short, one colour = one unit. The final colour coded product of a semester' work looks like...

I often find myself asking people, 'Do we have blue next?' when talking about our next tutorial/lecture!

I also managed to implement this system with my OneNote notebooks, which is the way to go with taking notes (I think so).

I swear by this. I started using a simplified system in high school but I have definitely kicked it up a notch since starting university. With a little time to set it up and get use it, it really helps to organise things and keep things moving smoothly.

In short, one colour = one unit. The final colour coded product of a semester' work looks like...

(available in assorted colours)

Do you have your own organisational system for notes, handouts etc.?

Drop a line via any of the LMST sites, I would love to hear from you all!

Miss Tracy xx


  1. Wow:) that is really cool... I would love to get my hands on your organisation system:P
    Do you apply colour coding outside of your studies?

  2. Feel free to search my organisation tag for more ideas! These ideas are super simple to implement in your life and once you start, it's so hard to stop. I apply my colour coding system with my tutoring students. I assign each student a colour so their folders are that colour, I highlight their work only in that colour and when organising work, I use the same colour sticky notes. My filing system for this included a plastic folder for each student, in their colour, where I house their past work, my plans for their study and what we are going to do the coming week. In my planner, their individual sessions are highlighted in their assigned colour. Miss Tracy xx

  3. Where did you buy the coloured lined paper? :) x

    1. So sorry for the late reply Laura! You can find the note pads at your local officeworks, for the low price of $2.37. Hope that helps you with your quest for organisation.

      Miss Tracy xx
