Sunday 6 October 2013

My Bento Box

Hi all!

So recently I looked at what I have been doing for lunch when I'm at uni and realised I was spending a lot of money on food. I bought lunch with my friends, we went out to Melbourne Central for lunch, if I felt like a coffee...I would buy one and so on.

There was also the issue of time. In the morning I'm struggling to get up , have a shower and get dressed and out the door without worrying if there's something for me to eat at lunch time. Plus I did my time, I ate sandwiches for my 13 years of schooling so if I end up with a sandwich in my handbag there is a 100% chance that I am not going to eat it.

So there's the problem, what's my solution? A Tumblr teacher blogger came to my rescue . While scrolling mindlessly, I saw a post about a bento box and how this teacher was using this. Consider my mind blown.

The physical box is a sectioned lunchbox that can be seen in many different shapes and sizes and in the end, I ended up buying the Bentgo.

And it has changed my lunchtime for good.

I use the top sections  for my snack type foods like pretzels, popcorn, cut vegetables, fruit and crackers . The bottom usually holds my 'main meal', so maybe tuna and rice,  noodles ad stir fry or rice paper rolls. The colour of the box, a lovely purple, really stands out in my bag….plus it's pretty.

One of my favourite parts of this box is the built in cutlery. I will never leave my fork/knife/spoon at home again. The food areas are microwavable for up to three minutes and another plus is that the box is dishwasher safe. No more hand-washing!

I had to buy the box online, since the box has only been available since March this year and only available in the US. I bought mine from since most other online stores were out of stock of the purple.

It did take awhile to come, close to 5 weeks, which has been the only problem I have had with my experience with the box so far.

If you are interested, here are some links for purchasing the box:

Leave me a nice note!

Miss Tracy xx

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