Sunday 26 January 2014

Placement Reflection

      Hello readers,

      So that's it; my placement is over, completely over! After 10 single Wednesdays and a two weeks block, my 0-2 years placement has come to the end and I think it's only fair that I reflect on this experience...and share this reflection with you! 

      What impact did this experience have on my personal growth? 

      I feel much more confident about creating professional relationships and being assertive in my communication.
        What was my greatest accomplishment? 

        My planning, implementation and documentation in relation to my focus child, C.
          What did I find most challenging about that placement? 

          The hours. It took an incredible strain on me, physically and mentally, having to start at 7.00 am one day, come home and plan and finish uni work and then get up the next day and be at the centre until 6.00 pm. The placement coupled with extra uni work was not the most favorable experience.
            What skills did I learn? 
            • parent communication skills
            • how to plan effectively 
            • creating successful environments 
            • staff communication skills
            • integrating my IT skills into planning and documenting 
            • collaboration with staff and parents
            • time management within the centre
              How was I able to apply my current skills? 

              My current skills helped me to interact with the children and parents and working effectively with other members of staff. 
                What did I discover about myself? (Strengths, weaknesses, dislikes) 
                • This is definitely the right profession for me; I enjoyed my time at the centre and am looking forward to getting back into the practical.
                • I need to share my ideas with the staff more, I cannot continue to surprise the educators on the day I want to set up an activity 
                • I also need to seek out the policies and rules before I let myself run wild with plans.
                • I need to make more of an effort to communicate with parents and make sure that I communicate often and relatively.
                • I can comfortably multitask and time manage, both within the workplace and during my time away.
                  What influence will that experience have on my future academic and career choices? 

                  As much as I enjoyed my time in the 0-2 room, I did find myself looking at my watch a lot and hanging out for my breaks, I also felt limited in how I could enrich the learning experience of the children in the room. 

                  In the one short day I spent with the 3-4 year olds, things were very different for me. The children were so much more independent and had developed much more social skills so things likes sharing and group play were not an issue. 

                  The fact that someone had to remind me to take a break during my time there confirms my feelings that I would much rather prefer working with toddlers or in a sessional kindergarten.  
                    What did I learn about office politics that will serve me in the future?

                    The best thing is to make friends and be polite. Do not take part in any office gossip, if you are present just smile and stay quiet. And most importantly, form your own opinion of someone, don't wait for someone else to tell you what they think of them.
                      What successes have I experienced? What did they mean to me? 

                      My experiences and planning were very well received by the staff and they made sure to compliment me about it. This was also apparent in my final report, which I was very happy with. The feedback I received have helped to shape ideas on what attributes and ideas I should be taking to my next placement.
                        What setbacks have I experienced? What did you learn from those? 
                          After planning and activity which used spaghetti an art material, I was unable to implement it as the centre's policy restricted the use of food in activities. Had I asked the staff  before hand and consulted their policies, this could all have been avoided. I will make sure to do just that in my future planning.
                            Were there people whose work ethics I would imitate?

                            There was one women at the centre, N, whom the children and staff loved. All her actions and behaviors towards were staff, children and parents were everything I want to embody with my work with children and I do consider her to one of my role-models for this profession.
                              What did I learn from people I admire in the organization?
                                That this job takes hard work, time and commitment and when you do your job right, the children reap the rewards and that is the most important part of the profession.

                                Miss Tracy xx

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